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Search Results for: across food and beverage – Page 4

The way malls co-exist with their immediate surroundings is currently undergoing a fundamental structural change–on a multitude of levels.

I’m with my theleisureway colleagues, Pablo and Carlos, in a place in the old center of Zaragoza. It’s a tapas bar, I confess, but I might justify it by saying that it would tick a lot of boxes as one of Ray Oldenburg’s “Great Good Places.”

In order to provide the retail and leisure industry with guidance and insight to navigate the opportunity posed by F&B, the ICSC commissioned JLL to carry out a global study. It should provide a holistic, 360-degree view of the current landscape, challenges, risks, opportunities, and future outlook for foodservice within the shopping center space.

Why is everybody talking about food in shopping centers this year? Because it matters, of course.

In an interview with ACROSS, Árpád Török, CEO of TriGranit, explains the company’s focus since its acquisition by TPG Real Estate.

I have been watching with interest the change in fortunes of the large supermarkets, both in the UK and across Europe. Consumers have demanded “more and different” from their regular retailers and the discounters have stepped up and delivered it.

The last twelve months have been incredibly active in the retail business at Land Securities and this has been driven by a strategy that has completely transformed our retail portfolio by focusing on schemes that deliver dominance, experience, and convenience in their respective catchments. This transformation is best demonstrated with an in-depth look at the drivers of success that consumers and retail brands have responded to. This has ultimately resulted in having a retail portfolio that is made up of fewer properties overall, but a higher number of bigger, better, flagship centers located in prime shopping locations.

Sometimes it feels a bit strange, even now, after 25 years in foodservice consulting, to be talking about the property market. I am not sure why, because when I set up Coverpoint, it was to help companies who did not DO food, but who NEEDED it as part of their guest offer. Airports, railway stations, shopping centers, museums, galleries, and historic palaces – we have worked in them all.

How can shopping places become “future ready” by responding to the rapidly changing retail landscape and the future behaviors and expectations of their audiences? An analysis by Ibrahim Ibrahim, Managing Director of Portland Design.

How can shopping places become “future ready” by responding to the rapidly changing retail landscape and the future behaviors and expectations of their audiences? An analysis by Ibrahim Ibrahim, Managing Director of Portland Design.

“Placemaking is the art of shaping a special destination and making an emotional connection with the visitor during his on-site experience,” states Steffen Hofmann, Managing Partner at ambas Real Estate GmbH, and Member of the ACROSS Advisory Board, in the latest “Industry Outlook 2024”.

Frequency, length of stay, atmosphere – there are many reasons why gastronomic offerings are an essential part of retail. Olaf Hohmann, Head of Retail Gastronomy Research at the EHI Retail Institute, uses Germany as an example to show the development, trends, and potential of retail gastronomy.

The grand opening of Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier in Hamburg, scheduled to take place in spring 2024, will mark the completion of Unibail-Rodamco Westfield’s (URW) largest inner-city development project. In an interview with ACROSS, Andreas Hohlmann, Managing Director Austria & Germany, talks about the role of retail and lifestyle destinations in modern society, the five trends that must be observed, and why size matters.

The European shopping center market overvalues design and investment but needs to pay more attention to atmosphere, interaction, and service, says Will Odwarka. This hurts the centers and especially their gastronomy section. The founder and CEO of Dubai-based Heartatwork Hospitality Consulting explains in his conversation with ACROSS editor Reinhard Winiwarter why excellent, personable service is the prerequisite for everything in the field of gastronomy.

Today, more than ever, a first-class location, excellent management, and continuous further development are decisive for the future of a retail property. In addition to the location-specific sector and tenant mix, the gastronomic offer is crucial for success – as ECE Marketplaces shows.