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February 2, 2022

Atrium Ljungberg has signed a lease contract for more than 1,700 sq m with Sabis, which is going to be expanding this spring and will open the new food store ‘Hemköp Sickla’ inside the shopping center Sickla Galleria.

2022 is the year of vibrant opportunities and great rebirth – and again it will be a year of constant changes. The tiring phrase “the world will no longer be the same” will be our everyday companion. But what does the placemaking industry have in store for 2022? To recap the turbulences of 2021, industry experts all over Europe have shared their experiences and learnings with us. Here is their outlook for the new year.

In the retail sector, the dividing line between winners and losers is particularly sharp as a result of the pandemic. Correspondingly, a substantial number of retailers in Europe will suffer from “Financial Long COVID” for years to come if politicians do not react, says Dr. Stephan Mayer-Heinisch, who spoke with ACROSS about COVID-19 from a strategic point of view.