Glacis-Galerie in Neu-Ulm. Credit: Glacis-Galerie

Young Fashion label Bershka joins Glacis-Galerie in Neu-Ulm

Bershka opens first shop between Stuttgart and München in Neu-Ulm, Germany.

Numerous gastronomy operators already opened in the Glacis-Galerie center, such as Venti Bar and the Argentinian restaurant Rincon Argentino. The internationally known young fashion label Bershka, which belongs to the Inditex Group, now follows and will occupy an area of ​​approx. 1,000 sq m in the entrance area of the center in late summer next year. Work will begin in October and will continue until mid-2022, combining several areas on the ground floor. 

“We are very happy that we were able to win such an attractive new tenant for the center and the Neu-Ulm location,” said Center Manager Torsten Keller. This means that the center can continue the series of new leases, despite the difficult framework conditions caused by Corona.

The Glacis-Galerie in Neu-Ulm is managed by CBRE Investment Management and has been operated and rented on their behalf by the shopping center specialist ECE Marketplaces since it opened in 2015. Tim Mayer, Head of Asset Management Retail at CBRE Investment Management in Germany, said: “The increasing number of new rentals sends positive signals for retail in Neu-Ulm and the entire region. The numerous changes to the areas reflect this positive process. “