
The Methodology

Semantic analysis of unstructured data and its significance for innovative location evaluation.

Using evAI’s proprietary AI-supported methodology, evAI assists companies and investors in identifying substantial market potential early on, correctly categorizing disruptive market events, adjusting their business models in a market-appropriate manner, and minimizing (investment) risks.

evAI is an AI-based company and solution provider in the “Contextual Intelligence” market. With a specially developed method based on Natural Language Processing, business-relevant information is extracted, analyzed, and contextualized from texts. evAI was founded in October 2019 and has since been repeatedly recognized as the most innovative startup in the field of AI-supported data analytics in the German-speaking region.

The core of evAI’s proprietary method is the semantic analysis of unstructured data within the context of the respective market environment.

Significance for the Placemaking Industry: The evAI method identifies relevant communities and their lifestyles, affiliated brand worlds, market participants, barriers, opportunities, risks, and disruptive forces. evAI “designs” future-oriented market models from the collected data and identifies existing and potential catchment areas. With the support of AI, existing but hidden market knowledge is analyzed in the context of specific questions and is incorporated into market models that significantly reduce decision and investment risks.

Questions & Answers: evAI finds questions you did not even know that you should ask and understands the potential space in which a possible future can occur. The questions are tailored for Small Data approaches – evAI specializes in Small Data.

The present case study for the evaluation of a location was implemented in May 2023. All available analog and digital data sources were evaluated based on specific questions from the center management and were cross-referenced with on-site location checks.