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Search Results for: european retail real estate magazine

Norbert W. Scheele has worked for C&A in various functions and countries for more than 40 years. Not only does he have four decades of first-hand experience dealing with change in the retail sector, he has also overseen the expansion into Eastern Europe. At a time when the mood in the world of retail is more divergent than ever between the East and the West, when the middle segment is shrinking in favor of luxury and discount stores and consumers as well as employees seem to have become more and more demanding, it is all the more worthwhile to take a look at the situation and the development of retail in Austria and Europe with an experienced retail expert like Norbert W. Scheele. For 6 years he is as well vice president of the Austrian retail association.

Shopping tourism is on the rise again. International cases have proven that shopping and overnight stays can constitute a profitable symbiosis. Nevertheless, this profitable combination of hotel and retail is still in its infancy in Europe. Christian Buer, Professor of Business Administration and Hotel Real Estate & Financing at Heilbronn University and Founder of the consulting firm Nemis, explains where and how the combination of hotel and retail has the potential for success and why we should focus on the outlet and luxury sectors in particular.

Shopping tourism is on the rise again. International cases have proven that shopping and overnight stays can constitute a profitable symbiosis. Nevertheless, this profitable combination of hotel and retail is still in its infancy in Europe. Christian Buer, Professor of Business Administration and Hotel Real Estate & Financing at Heilbronn University and Founder of the consulting firm Nemis, explains where and how the combination of hotel and retail has the potential for success and why we should focus on the outlet and luxury sectors in particular.

Our industry is strong and can achieve a lot. To emphasize this optimistic spirit, we want to showcase what our industry offers. Recommended by Gregory Fonseca, Director of Architecture BDP, and Member of the ACROSS Advisory Board, the IKEA at London´s Oxford Circus is one of the many outstanding placemaking projects that drive the industry forward.

“The money is there but is selective” – There are and will always be investments in retail real estate. Investing in retail real estate is particularly attractive since the industry has come through the crisis faster than other asset classes. In the latest ACROSS Retail Talk, “Euphoria, a new dawn, or more of the same?” sheds light on the investor’s perspective for 2024, a high-caliber panel concluded: There are more opportunities than ever, not only in the CEE-market, but also in so called struggling markets like Germany and Spain.

“Investors and Retailers often want too much too soon.” Christian Alexander Kuntze, the founder of NEXXT IN RETAIL, critically examines the expansion strategies of large and small companies. He explains the biggest mistakes made during expansion and how start-up businesses can avoid them. His most important advice before any expansion is: Know your DNA!

The labor market situation in the European retail sector has continued to worsen. Meanwhile, companies are under increasing financial pressure, consumer sentiment is declining, and online retail is gaining strength, explains Manuela Lindlbauer, Owner of Lindlpower Personalmanagement. A perfectly legitimate question remains: Why would anyone consider a job in retail today? Urgent solutions are needed when it comes to HR policy in retail, or are AI and robotics the answer?

Consumer criticism of shopping centers is nothing new, states Ken Gunn, Managing Director of Ken Gunn Consulting. As a retail business consultant, advising investors and asset managers, he has reported survey-based dissatisfaction with the proposition, branding, and management of shopping centers for 30 years.

Consumer criticism of shopping centers is nothing new, states Ken Gunn, Managing Director of Ken Gunn Consulting. As a retail business consultant, advising investors and asset managers, he has reported survey-based dissatisfaction with the proposition, branding, and management of shopping centers for 30 years.

The labor market situation in the European retail sector has continued to worsen. Meanwhile, companies are under increasing financial pressure, consumer sentiment is declining, and online retail is gaining strength, explains Manuela Lindlbauer, Owner of Lindlpower Personalmanagement. A perfectly legitimate question remains: Why would anyone consider a job in retail today? Urgent solutions are needed when it comes to HR policy in retail, or are AI and robotics the answer?

Institutional investors in Germany are facing a significant shift in their real estate investment strategies, as revealed in the twelfth annual survey by Universal Investment. The survey among German institutional investors sheds light on the evolving landscape of real estate allocations and investor preferences, indicating a strong appetite for diversification beyond national borders and a growing recognition of the role of real estate as a hedge against inflation.

Shaping a sustainable future in retail real estate: HyperIn hosts panel on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Practical Approaches and Strategies for a Better Productivity in Retail Real Estate” at MAPIC 2023.

With their baumhouse projects, Dietmar Reindl and Alexander Rössler want to combine retail locations and housing sustainably and affordably. They define affordable with rents 20% below the market level. They are planning high-quality, sustainably designed residential complexes above retail buildings. Furthermore, they explain to ACROSS what their motivation is, what social change they would like to help shape, and, above all, where the added value for investors lies.

Buildings are one of the main contributors to CO2 emissions: They are responsible for nearly 20% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. In addition, maintaining inefficient building systems costs real estate companies dearly. As Martin Gruber, Director Europe at BrainBox AI, explains, BrainBox AI is the market leader in Autonomous Decarbonization services to accelerate your decarbonization journey powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Mauro Abruzzese is an Italian retail and shopping center expert who develops projects in Kosovo for OCM International. In this interview, the CEO and Managing Director explains how the individual SEE markets are developing, what makes them different, what the local consumers are like, and what investors should consider before entering the market.