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credit:kapten & son
credit:kapten & son

Lifestyle brand Kapten & Son opens its first store outside the German-speaking region in the Netherlands

The location is in the middle of the canal belt in the district “Nine Streets”. Trendy brands, original pop-ups, second-hand stores, cafés and restaurants have settled here and represent a new hotspot away from the major shopping streets.

The first store outside of Germany is located in Vienna, and now the lifestyle brand Kapten & Son has ventured outside of the German-speaking world for the first time and opened a store in the Reestraat in Amsterdam.

Kapten & Son was founded in 2014 and is based in Cologne. The product portfolio includes backpacks, eyewear, watches, accessories. In addition to the products, services are also offered such as eye tests or replacement of batteries for watches. More than 150 employees are active in the company.


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