Retail Column by Heidemarie Kriz, Point of Sale Doctor and Retail Architect (KRIZH, POSitive Affairs)
As you enter this store, you feel instantly connected to nature: A blue sky with a variety of oversized flowers borders the envelope of the glazed roof construction, while on the ground, i.e., the earth, there is a water basin for testing boats, among other things: a climbing tunnel, an adventure staircase, and many other special features further enrich this world of experience.

Everything is under one roof – or rather, one sky.
Experience is more than just a theme here; it is an actual lifestyle: The best way to get started is to book a guide in advance, who will answer any questions you may have about the products and activities. Hundreds of workshops, lectures, and expert panels, in addition to travel practice and vaccination advice for exotic countries, provide further helpful information for future adventures. A convenient feature is the equipment rental service, where equipment for new activities can be borrowed at a low cost and tested in advance. This saves storage space at home and reduces costs – renting instead of buying also contributes to more sustainability!

Service is a top priority
This shop also has a service department where clothing is individually altered, and equipment gets repaired, in addition to a second-hand section under the motto “Like new, only well-traveled,” where you can even sell your equipment. With these services, Globetrotter stores repaired 23,500 products in the past year alone. People can also browse the product range online and have their orders delivered to one of the 22 stores using their click & collect service.

RE: THINK – the new, completely sustainable Globetrotter concept
Sustainability is the dominating theme at the RE:THINK store at Karlsstraße 33 in Bonn, which extends across 2,150 sq m. A few days ago, this new store was opened on two floors, with a new approach to sustainability: the previous tenant’s furniture (Conrad Electronic) is being reused and has been partially adapted instead of bringing in all new materials. Therefore, almost 100% of the store’s furnishings were recycled. Brand stores and the latest goods are located on the first floor, while outlet products and second-hand goods are presented on the second floor. Furthermore, there is a repair workshop where you can have your products waterproofed, sewn, engraved, or customized to your needs. With its clubhouse for community events and lectures, this store completes its extensive product and service range. Furthermore, you will also find a limited upcycling collection made from discarded rain gear that is only available here. As with all their stores since 2007, this location is powered 100% by renewable energy.

My tip: Follow your vision and share it with your community! What started in 1979 in Hamburg as the first specialty store for expeditions, safaris, survival, and trekking has become the market leader in this sector. Since more than just having a vision is needed, it helps enormously if you adapt your business consistently and move with the times: A blog, a podcast, a magazine, and a constantly updated website support community building and promote a sense of belonging.
Shop contact
Globetrotter Experience Branch
Richmodstraße 10
50667 Cologne
About Heidemarie Kriz

In this monthly retail column, retail architect Heidemarie Kriz shares with us her Retail Shop Tip and lets us know her thoughts and expertise regarding her experiences visiting some of the latest and most innovative shops. Heidemarie Kriz has been an architect and shop designer for more than 25 years. For decades, she has held senior positions with major brands across Europe, but she has also worked as a freelance concept designer, an architect, and a consultant specialising in shops, furniture design, customer and purchasing behavior, and visual merchandising. Kriz and her team of experts specialise in retail concepts, analysis, and holistic advice in the retail sector. In addition, she also writes retail-specific topics in the editorial team of ACROSS Magazine.