Credit: NCSC
Credit: NCSC


NCSC members voted to approve a new name of the association. NCSC will now be known as Nordic Commercial Spaces & Communities.

Nordic Council of Shopping Centers, NCSC, was founded in 1986 with the express purpose of representing the shopping center industry. Back then, shopping centers mainly existed to offer the most varied range of retail stores and brands to the greatest possible number of people. In the early 2000s, as e-commerce started to gain traction, consumer behavior began to shift. People wanted more from their shopping excursions: a wider variety of retailers, more specialized brands, local curation, a broader selection of food and beverage, public services, easy access, and new experiences.

Developers, retailers, brands, and suppliers joined hands in the effort to create spaces and places that people want to visit and enjoy. Today, it is about striking the ideal balance between services, experiences, and necessities – building communities.

“NCSC’s members are shaping commercial spaces for every need and every person. The intersection where necessity meets possibility. They listen to and engage with the communities they serve. This enables them to meet people’s needs today, tomorrow and for many generations to come. Against this backdrop, NCSC’s mission is evolving accordingly. Through a new name that will capture the commercial realities and societal ambitions of the association and its members.” states Kajsa Hernell, Managing Director of NCSC.