Tirana East Gate, Credit: Balfin

Inditex and TEG’s successful cooperation with well-known brands as Zara and Massimo Dutti

Well-known clothing brands have significantly revolutionized Albanian lifestyle at least during the last decade.

In fact, if you compare them today to 10 or 15 years ago, Albanians dress better, with more reasonable prices and with international brands, just like all other Europeans. This is undoubtedly possible thanks to the successful cooperation between the country’s largest shopping center, TEG, and the Inditex Group.

Inditex is one of the world’s largest retailers, with eight brands, among which are Zara, Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home and Uterqüe. Almost all of the above brands are present in TEG in Tirana. Inditex sells to 202 markets through its online platform and is present with over 7,000 stores in 96 markets.

The presence of international brands in TEG aligns its policies with European and global ones. In this way, TEG offers follow the fashion seasons of clothing in unison with other countries. Starting from the introduction of new collections, which happens exactly at the same time as in other countries, the start of the seasonal sales or even the composition of the collections is in the same line as anywhere else Inditex brands operate. TEG showcases the latest fashion in Albania. In short, customers in Albania buy the same quality that an Italian, Spanish, German, or American buys, with the same discounts that the latter benefit in the same period of time in their respective countries. Working together as a global company focused on key elements of the fashion industry, such as design, manufacturing, distribution and retails, Inditex brings customers closer to the products they want at affordable prices.

TEG novelties in favor of fashion

Considering what TEG has to offer and its importance in the fashion industry in Albania, TEG has recently gone beyond offering styles and clothing with a magazine that TEG distributes free of charge to anyone who wants to be updated and to fashion enthusiasts. The magazine is called “Influencer” and its intent is to keep customers informed on the latest fashion. And beyond the information, TEG offers everything that is advisable for fashion, from color combinations, to accessories, as well as latest trends. The magazine is currently in its first issue but it’s a publication that will be published at least twice a year, according to the periods of the main collection releases, namely the summer and the winter collections. When buying an international brand at TEG, it certainly has all the guarantees and standards which are not available in other markets in Albania or informal vendors in the country.

TEG, which had about 9.6 million visitors last year, is managed by Acrem, part of the Balfin Group, the largest investment group in Albania.