With around 400 apartments, office space, leisure and shopping facilities, a cruise terminal and three hotels, the southern Überseequartier will become a new vivid urban quarter, covering an area of 260,000 sq m by 2021.
The official ground-breaking ceremony of Hamburg’s currently most ambitious project was held on April 4, 2017, together with Olaf Scholz, the First Mayor of Hamburg and Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Senator for Urban Development and Housing, and Giselher Schultz-Berndt, managing director of HafenCity Hamburg, the corporate management of investor Unibail-Rodamco comprising CEO Christophe Cuvillier, CEO of Unibail- Rodamco Germany Olivier Nougarou, CDO Michael Hartung and Project Manager Carsten Faust dug the first spade.
At the celebration, the company welcomed around 200 guests, including representatives from politics and economics, business partners, architects and neighbours.

According to the project plan, there will be 14 single buildings that the company has developed in collaboration with renowned local, national and international architects.
The centre of the integrated district will be a boulevard with roofing that will provide residents and visitors with a unique mix of shopping, lifestyle and entertainment, as well as more than 30 exciting catering concepts, an attractive cruise terminal and last but not least a new waterfront with architecturally outstanding buildings.
Furthermore, additional attractive outdoor areas will be developed that offer a completely new view of Hamburg’s harbour and invite tourists and residents of Hamburg alike to stroll around.
Christophe Cuvillier, CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of Unibail-Rodamco, says: “Überseequartier is perfectly in line with Unibail-Rodamco’s strategy, which focuses on exceptional projects in prime catchment areas in Europe. The Group is proud to be part of the development of HafenCity, Europe’s biggest inner city development project in one of the most dynamic regions of the Continent, in partnership with the City of Hamburg.”