
EXPO REAL: the network to meet again in Munich

Preparations for Expo Real 2021—to be held from October 11 to 13 at the trade fair center in Munich—run at full speed, opening a long-awaited perspective for the international real estate industry.

“The green light for restarting trade fairs has been given and Messe München has meticulously prepared for this moment. We are delighted to host EXPO REAL on site in Munich,” explains Klaus Dittrich, Chairman and CEO of Messe München. “For many customers, preparations are already in full swing and the Bavarian State Government’s decision provides us all the perspective we need. Further easing of travel and the steadily increasing vaccination coverage give us confidence as well. Our responsible protection and hygiene concept allows us to guarantee a safe trade show experience.”

Pilot fair already in July

The Bavarian State Government’s decision of May 18, 2021 creates a reliable framework for holding EXPO REAL as a face-to-face trade fair in October. At the beginning of July already, TrendSet will be held as a pilot event at Messe München. Here, hygiene and infection control measures are once again subjected to a practical test. The findings will then be incorporated into the protection and hygiene concepts for Messe München’s events in fall. IAA MOBILITY will be the first major international event in Munich to open its doors on September 7. 

The so-called ‘3G rule’ will be an integral part and apply to all Messe München events: only those vaccinated, recovered or tested (German: geimpft, genesen, getestet) will have access. Other measures will include distancing rules, special ventilation of exhibition halls, use of FFP2 masks, hygiene precautions, registration and thus traceability of all participants.

Exhibitor registrations at a stable level

“Registrations from exhibitors, especially from Europe, are at a stable level,” explains Claudia Boymanns, Exhibition Director EXPO REAL. “Due to the pandemic, EXPO REAL of course will not fully reach the levels of the record year of 2019, but we can again plan for six halls.” Well-known companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as from Great Britain, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain have already decided to participate, including the APO Projekt GmbH, B&L Real Estate, Bauwert AG, BentallGreenOak, Berlin Hyp, BPD Immobilienprojektentwicklung, Brownfield24, City of Prague, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Hypothekenbank, Edeka, Garbe Industrial Real Estate, Signa Real Estate, Spirit Slovenia and Zech Group.

Digital offerings to complement the trade fair

Additional digital offers have long been a matter of course for trade shows. EXPO REAL will provide parts of the conference program as live stream. Also exhibitors will be able to add business partners to online experts presentations, seminars or press events and make content available for download. And there will be digital matchmaking again: based on the specific interests specified during registration, participants will receive targeted contact proposals.

Information on EXPO REAL 2021 are available at


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