
Cushman & Wakefield tops the league table of retail real estate agencies in CEE

Global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield has been named the Best CEE/SEE
Retail Real Estate Agency at the HOF Awards & Forum.

The Hall of Fame Awards are the culmination of the CIJ Awards, held to determine which of the winning projects, teams and real estate service providers from across Central and Eastern Europe deserve to be called the Best of the Best. During this year’s fifth annual awards, prizes were presented in 36 categories. The competition included six CEE countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and Serbia. Cushman & Wakefield was named the Best CEE/SEE Retail Real Estate Agency.

“The award received at the HOF Awards & Forum is very important to us – especially in this tough period for retail. For us, the title of the Best CEE/SEE Retail Real Estate Agency is the appreciation of the high quality of our services. We are delighted to be able to support tenants and landlords in these challenging times by offering them an added value – it’s a great honour for us. Cushman & Wakefield has been seen as the leader on the commercial real estate market in Central and Eastern Europe for years thanks to its people. Their commitment and professionalism set us apart from the competition,” says Beata Kokeli, Head of Retail Agency, Cushman & Wakefield.

The HOF Awards & Forum 2020 took place over four days beginning May 26 in an online format.

“In these challenging times, retailers appreciate a strong partner to rely on. We can provide them with vast experience, sound knowledge of the sector and an international team of professionals constantly keeping abreast with the latest trends and developments, thus being able to help restart retail as one of the key drivers of the economy’s revival,” says Jan Kotrbáček, Partner & Head of CEE Retail Agency, Cushman & Wakefield.

Panattoni was the partner of the event, which was organized by Roberts Publishing Media Group, publishers of CIJ, the region’s leading property magazine, and organizers of the CEDEM property conference in Prague and the CIJ Awards series throughout CEE.