
Ascencio and Sagax join FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Real Estate Index

Ascencio and Sagax, real estate companies listed respectively on Euronext Brussels and Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap stock exchanges, were accepted last Thursday for inclusion in the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Index, following the quarterly index review. The effective date of the inclusion is 18 March 2019.

Vincent Querton, CEO of Ascencio, said: “We are very delighted to be included in the EPRA index from March 2019. It is an important milestone in the development of Ascencio. I would like to thank our staff for this achievement, our board members and our shareholders for the support and the enthusiasm. Being part of the EPRA index will definitely boost our international growth.”

Ascencio, an EPRA member, is a Belgian real estate company with a market cap of around EUR 336.40 million as of March 1, 2019, which specialises in investing in retail properties located principally on urban peripheries. Active in Belgium, France and Spain, Ascencio represents predominantly the food sector.

Dominique Moerenhout, EPRA CEO, said: “It is pleasing to see the inclusion of a retail operator and another Belgian member. The addition of Ascencio and Sagax takes the total number of Index constituents to 109, a new record high for the benchmark.”

Sagax is a property company whose business concept is to invest in commercial properties, primarily in the urban logistic and light industry segment.

In order to qualify for inclusion in the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Index the companies had to pass the EUR 230.5 million free float market capitalisation and EPRA liquidity criteria as well as passing reporting and EBITDA tests.